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May 30, 2017Knowledge Portal
Container gardens to meet vegetable needs during dry season for reproductive age women and their children in northern Ghana

This article investigates the feasibility of producing widely consumed iron rich vegetables using container gardens during the dry season in Ghana. These container gardens can help to overcome limited irrigation capacity and access to land. »

May 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
The women’s empowerment in agriculture index: Results from SPRING/Bangladesh’s farmer nutrition schools

This report studies whether women who have participated in Farmer Nutrition Schools are more empowered than women who have not. For this the Abbreviated Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index tool was used. Although lessons in the schools did not specifically address empowerment, they did focus on indicators of empowerment. »

May 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
Multi-stakeholder framework for intervening in Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) seed systems: User’s guide

This working paper presents a tool, designed to help any interested person to understand root, tuber and banana (RTB) seed systems or for use during planning, monitoring, and implementation of interventions in them. RTB crops are important for food security and commerce, especially in the tropics. »

May 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
Digitizing value chain finance for smallholder farmers

This focus note explores opportunities and emerging models in digital value chain finance. Particularly it looks at new technologies that can break down barriers to delivering financial services to a greater number of smallholder farmers. The authors identify three key use cases for digitizing financial services in agricultural value chains. »

May 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive agriculture and food systems in practice: Options for intervention

This publication provides a list of food system-based intervention options to improve nutrition and a set concrete entry points for maximizing the impact of each intervention. For each intervention, information is provided on: what the intervention includes; why it has the potential to improve nutrition and how it could be made more nutrition-sensitive. »

May 23, 2017Knowledge Portal
Food loss and waste in Sub-Saharan Africa

This article reviews the current state of the literature on post-harvest losses mitigation. Four objectives to reduce post-harverst loss levels are: improved food security, food safety, profitability and reduced unnecessary resource use. There is a lack of consensus on the estimated magnitude of post-harverst losses »