Changing the food game: Market transformation strategies for sustainable agriculture
In his book “Changing the Food Game”, author Lucas Simons argues that the challenge of feeding the world’s population can only be solved by effective market transformation to achieve sustainable agriculture and food production. In the first part of the book, Simons explains about system dynamics and system failures. Lucas Simons explains clearly how we have created a production and trading system that is inherently unsustainable. In the second part of the book, Simons describes the steps through which a market transformation strategy must pass. Several case studies of transformations in process are explained. A key message in the book on dealing with system complexity is overcoming fragmentation and isolation in the system, creating transparency about everyone’s role and contribution, and having actors work together. The book clearly lays out the power of systems for understanding and addressing problems, the challenges in doing so, and the analytical framework for seeing the key phases and important pressure points to understand and encourage market transformation in agriculture. The first chapter of the book can be read here. Read a report of the F&BKP of a presentation by Simons on his book here.
Source: Lucas Simons, November 2014