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January 29, 2017Knowledge Portal
Women in agriculture: Four myths

This article analyzes four gender myths about women, agriculture, and the environment persist. 1) Women account for 70% of the world’s poor; 2) Women produce 60 to 80% of the world’s food; 3) Women own 1% of the world’s land; 4) Women are better stewards of the environment. »

January 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
Making sense of research for sustainable land management

This book, published by CDE/WOCAT and UFZ, provides evidence of how practices of sustainable land management can be adapted to specific local and regional contexts. It is based on the work of more than 600 scientists and synthesizes experiences and practice-relevant results from a seven year German funded international research programme on interactions between land management, climate change, and ecosystems and their services. »

January 25, 2017Knowledge Portal
Livestock: On our plates or eating at our table? A new analysis of the feed/food debate

This paper in the Global Food Security journal analyses global livestock feed rations and feed conversion ratios, with specific insight on the diversity in production systems and feed materials. Livestock contribute to food security by supplying essential macro- and micro-nutrients, providing manure and draught power, and generating income. But they also consume food edible by humans and graze on pastures that could be used for crop production. »

January 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
New horizons for the transitioning of our food system: connecting ecosystems, value chains and consumers

This report by NewForesight and Commonland presents the complex challenges we face in our current food system, and highlights opportunities to forge a path towards a more sustainable future. The authors sketch an initial outline of holistic approaches that offer long term solutions while capturing net positive business opportunities with multiple returns. The main aim of this paper is to trigger decision makers in business, government, and society to form coalitions, apply such holistic approaches and drive systemic change in our food systems at scale using an ecosystem approach. »

January 20, 2017Knowledge Portal
How access to energy can influence food losses

This report reviews the evidence to date focusing on the magnitude and geographical distribution of food losses. It especially scrutinizes the role of energy in post-harvest losses and the main entry points in the food value chain where lack of access to energy is the dominant factor influencing food losses. The report outlines low cost and off-grid post-harvest cooling and processing technologies that can be made fit-to-purpose in developing countries. »

January 19, 2017Knowledge Portal
How to green food systems in a gender-smart way: A matter of insight and smart interventions

This paper elaborates on the relation between food systems and gender equality building on knowledge, experience and good practices in the field of agriculture, climate change, food security and value chains. The authors argue that since the current food systems poses serious problems of sustainability, a solution should be sought in greening of these systems which refers to investments to improve human well-being and social equity, reduce environmental risks and ecological scarcities. »