F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


AGRI-QUEST report documentary 2016-2019

The Applied Research Fund project “Strengthening Agribusiness Ethics, Quality standards and ICT Usage in Uganda’s Value Chains (AGRI-QUEST)” has published a documentary which shows the progress of the project implementation. »

Netherlands-CGIAR partnership launches call to fund senior CGIAR experts

Within the framework of the Netherlands – CGIAR partnership, a call for Senior Expert Candidates has been launched. Senior experts employed by Dutch research organizations and involved in CGIAR research or management, are offered a chance to spend (more) time on their CGIAR activities, since they will be able to apply for a grant that enables them to cover part of their personnel costs. Deadline for the first assessment round is July 5, 2018. »

New YEP positions available

YEP is looking for Dutch candidates for eight new YEP positions. Main goal of YEP, consisting of YEP Agrofood and YEP Water, is to offer young professionals the opportunity to take their first steps in an international environment.  The current vacancies in Myanmar, Indonesia, Kenya, Philippines and Zimbabwe are open for Dutch nationals only. Application for the new YEP positions is open until May 27, 2018. »

Discussion paper: Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability

To inform ongoing discussions on result indicators at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a discussion paper was published by The Broker entitled “Indicators for the nexus between food systems and stability”. The paper was used to stimulate discussion among policymakers at the Food Security Exchange Week. »