F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


Food Systems Governance Mechanisms

Globally, a transformation of the food system is needed to achieve SDG2 and other SDGs. Who gets to decide what a future food system looks like and who will take the lead are key questions in this process. These questions have hardly been addressed in the international ‘food systems’ discourse so far. Hence, a recent meeting of the Dutch Community of Practice on food systems was held that looked at food systems governance mechanisms. »

Last two Senior Experts funded in the NL-CGIAR Programme

In the final round of the CGIAR Senior Expert Programme (SEP), two Senior Experts receive extra funding to spend more time on their CGIAR research and research management in large CGIAR programmes and platforms. »

Dutch Research Agenda – SDG Interactions and Policy Interventions in Developing Countries

This Dutch Research Agenda call for proposals focuses on SDG interactions and policy interventions in developing countries. The consortia to be formed will work in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner, internationally and across the entire knowledge chain. Theme 2 of the call focuses on “Addressing trade-offs between food and nutrition security (SDG2) and other SDGs”. »

And the winner of the FNS Excellence Programme is…

On Monday January 27, 2020, the Food and Nutrition Security Excellence Programme came to an end. All students gathered one last time for a lunch with two Dutch Ambassadors and to pitch their innovative solutions to the challenges of the Embassies in Kenya and Burundi in front of a jury. »