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February 23rd, 2017

Tackling food waste around the world: Our top 10 apps

Published by The Guardian,

This article in the Guardian showcases apps that aim to limit food wastage, both food losses and waste. Most of the apps aim to decrease food waste (food that is consciously not consumed, because it is discarded), however one app, the Cheetah App developed by the researchers from the University of Twente focuses on reducing food losses (food that is unintentionally spilled, spoiled, or is otherwise lost before it reaches its final product or retail stage). The Cheetah app shows farmers, food transporters and traders the fastest route to market, and shows how to avoid ad hoc roadblocks set up to take bribes from drivers. Since poor road conditions, and inadequate refrigeration and other obstacles cause up to half of the fruit and vegetable produce to be lost before they reach the markets, the potential impact of this app can be significant. Other apps in the article, developed in cooperation with retailers, alert shoppers when food is discounted in supermarkets because it almost expires. Another app in Singapore ensures that leftovers from restaurants and food stall vendors are shown potential consumers just before the restaurants close. There are also apps that help restaurants to monitor their food waste in real time both in the US, Asia, Australia and Europe.

Also see this video from the University of Twente that shows the developer of the Cheetah app and the reflection of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on technological innovations like apps to improve value chain efficiency.

Curated from theguardian.com