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July 2nd, 2015

Reviews highlight successes and challenges of Tanzania dairy innovation platforms

Published by CGIAR,

These reports by CGIAR review capacity building training of dairy innovation platforms in Tanga (PDF) and Morogoro (PDF) in Tanzania and highlight key opportunities and challenges in improving dairy production in the country. The outcomes of training programs held in December 2014 and January 2015 are highlighted, targeting dairy innovation platform leaders in the two regions to enhance their capacity and understanding of the functioning and usefulness of innovation platforms established by MilkIT dairy development program. An important lesson learned is that since most platforms consist mainly of producers based at the village level, widening their scope could potentially help them incorporate more players such as researchers, extension officers, farmer organizations, private enterprises, NGOs and policymakers. Lessons learned for building a dairy innovation platform can be watched in this movie. Recently, the MoreMilkIT project has started, aiming to implement dairy market hubs in the country to increase milk production to meet an increasing demand.

Curated from livestockfish.cgiar.org