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January 30th, 2018

Integration of small farmers into global value chains: Challenges and opportunities inside the current global demand

Published by journal Tec Empressarial,

This article (PDF) in the journal Tec Empressarial analyze the main challenges and opportunities derived from the insertion of small farmers in global value chains. Global value chains often represent an option for local firms and suppliers in developing countries to get access to high-value markets and new technologies. Whereas the potential benefits from global value chains for medium-income developing countries are well documented, the studies dealing with the impact on low-income countries are scarce. The article suggests that small farmers are intertwined between both challenges and opportunities for development in this globalized market, nonetheless a model for sustainable and competitive insertion can be placed under consideration since aspects like education, access to technology, access to finance, policy support, and innovation can hold the key for turning a crisis into an opportunity. Therefore, in order to analyze how GVC and the upgrading can become opportunities for development, it is necessary to understand that the agribusiness sector is a system as well, and, thereby, it needs a systemic strategy. Small producers, firms, governments, and the rest of the stakeholders must learn more about each other as well as how to cooperate vertically and horizontally. Only through knowledge, communication and support, seclusion can be replaced for an opportunity of competitiveness along the VC. There is no true progress in a world that undermines farmers since they are the productive agents who can hold the key to food security, economic development, and sustainability

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