Improving the positive impacts of investments on smallholder livelihoods and the landscapes they live in
This working paper (PDF) from Tropenbos International, FMO, KIT, and Hivos aims to to stimulate debate on how to improve positive impacts from investments on smallholder livelihoods and to move from ‘do no harm’ risk mitigation approach towards a ‘do good’ impact approach. Aimed primarily at investors, in just 15 pages it highlights how to work profitably and equitably with smallholders, and how to promote better land governance and livelihoods. The publication discusses the international guidelines that show the bottom line, and presents case studies that provide solid and evidence-based examples of projects, business models and investment funds that are implementing or financing alternative and innovative land related models in collaboration with smallholders and local communities. The publication concludes with a ‘checklist’ to help investors move from a ‘do no harm’ to a ‘do good’ approach. These are grouped in three areas: 1) recognize rights; 2) effectively engage; and 3) “think landscapes”. Some of the advises of the authors are: to understand laws and customary practices and acknowledge local values, understand community diversity and always start with good-faith building activities and meetings before the investment is made. In addition the focus on landscape level thinking, through understanding and mapping the local landscape and take into account the impact on local food security.
The authors are organizing an event on September 14, 2017 to discuss this working paper and to gather input for the second version of this document. For more information on this event, please click here.