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February 2nd, 2016

The barriers to scaling up/out climate smart agriculture and strategies to enhance adoption in Africa

Published by FARA,

This report by FARA identifies barriers to scaling up/out climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices and proposes strategies and practical actions to remove the barriers and enhance adoption of CSA in Africa. Section one of the report provides the background, rationale and objectives. Section two presents the African context of climate change and climate smart agriculture. Section three identifies and discusses the barriers that limit scaling-up and out of CSA practices. Section four outlines a number of strategies and practical actions to remove the barriers to adoption. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in Section five. The publication highlights that Early Warning Systems (EWS) are critical for monitoring major uncertainties when making decisions regarding the bio-physical, management and ecological barriers to adoption of CSA. Successful CSA practices at farm, landscape and entire food system levels are essential to be up and out-scaled.

Curated from faraafrica.org