International Seed Money Projects of Dutch TopSectors (Call 2019)

In 2019, Dutch Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) again have the possibility to submit a proposal for Seed Money Projects (SMPs). SMPs serve to initiate (or act as the ”seed” for) international partnerships for Dutch SMEs in the Agri & Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials sectors. The main focus is on forming a consortium and exploring the possibilities for international activities.
The call has been opened on January 10, 2019 and the latest possible date and time for submitting an application is March 1, 2019 at midday.
A Seed Money Project is a tool used by TopSectors Agri & Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials. The tool allows an applicant from the business community or an agricultural attaché/counselor at the Netherlands Embassies to call in experts from Wageningen University & Research for an indicative value of €25k but not more than €40k including VAT. A budget of €25k is suitable mainly for desk research and activities in the Netherlands, while a budget of €40k would be appropriate if a visit to another country is also required.
The result of a Seed Money Project is a plan for the feasibility of international cooperation. This involves the development of new knowledge or the application of existing knowledge under other circumstances. This could be a research proposal at Wageningen Research or another knowledge institute, but also a plan for another arrangement via the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or an international organization, for example. A follow-up project should contribute to international system solutions in the Agri & Food and Horticulture & Starting Materials sector in partnership with Dutch companies.
Please visit the Top Sector Agri & Food website ( and the Top Sector Horticulture & Starting Materials website ( for more information. Please follow this link for the text of the call, including qualifications, conditions, assessment and criteria, in English.
The application must be submitted with a digital form through this link.
For queries and further information please contact:
- Gabriëlle Nuijtens-Vaarkamp
- Wijnie van Eck or
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Source: TopSector TU