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April 19th, 2016

Urban-rural linkages and their future: Impacts on agriculture, diets and food security

Published by Food Security: Meanings, Practices and Policies,

This conference paper (PDF) focuses on the urban-rural linkages in the emerging food system. Recent debates on food and agricultural issues emphasize the significance of the spatialization of food systems and location of agriculture. In this emerging food system geography, urban-rural relationships play a significant role in food value chains, food security and nutrition, which is still poorly understood. This presentation explores these issues based on rural-urban scenarios in  2050. This research combines two approaches: a comprehensive scientific review of urban and rural changes, and a foresight method based on an expert group. The results focus on four main future figures: mega-cities and rural-urban blurring; role of intermediate urban centers in agri-food networks; household mobilities and multi-activities between urban and rural areas; counter-urbanization and re-agrarianization. These four scenarios help to understand how distinct issues might be articulated, and to better differentiate what is at stake for agriculture and food security in those specific forms of urban-rural relationships.


Curated from halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr