Diversity of food systems in transitions

The research team of the Global Challenges Programme (GCP) project HortEco has published a review article entitled “Characterizing diversity of food systems in view of sustainability transitions. A review” in the journal Agronomy for Sustainable Development.
Please download the complete review article here .
A transition is needed from dominant unsustainable corporate food systems supported by fossil fuels and agrochemicals, to alternative socially just food systems incorporating ecological principals. Understanding and promoting such a transition benefits from a diagnosis of co-existing food system types. Gaitán-Cremaschi et al. reviewed the literature of transitions in food systems and present a framework of how food systems are configured in terms of production systems, value chains and innovation support structures. This can support policy makers and practitioners to get an overview of which dominant and alternative food systems are concurrently present in a given country or territory. This overview can inform policies to support certain desired sustainability transition pathways.