Food security: Postharvest losses
This article in Global Food Security journal addresses the inconsistencies in definitions and target issues of food losses and waste. In recent years, the question of food losses and waste (FLW) has been the subject of much debate. When it comes to food security, the preservation of natural resources and potential economic benefits, the general public, scientists and politicians all agree that FLW needs to be reduced. However, there are numerous inconsistencies in terms of how the problem of FLW has been presented and analysed. This article aims to highlight these inconsistencies and helps identify the areas of research that could contribute to a more effective handling of FLW issues. The article examines: (i) whether the choice of definition(s) adopted are consistent with the problem(s) targeted; (ii) the efficiency of the methodologies used to address the issues raised, and (iii) the relevance of arguments put forward concerning FLW reduction.