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What’s new in inclusive agribusiness
April 28, 2017Study
What’s new in inclusive agribusiness
Theme: Inclusive Business

Seas of Change and the Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business have launched a bumper theme on “What’s new in inclusive agribusiness”. The series is inspired by the workshop “Towards a global research and learning agenda for inclusive agribusiness”, which was held in Brighton early March 2017. »

Mapping of social entrepreneurs in food value chains within their supporting ecosystems
February 16, 2017Study
Mapping of social entrepreneurs in food value chains within their supporting ecosystems
Theme: Social Entrepreneurship

On a global scale, more and more people are making the decision to become social entrepreneurs in doing business while aiming for impact in food security. To gain more insight into their potential contributions, within the F&BKP, social entrepreneurs that work in food value chains in seven Dutch partner countries and their related challenges and opportunities have been mapped within their supporting and surrounding ecosystems. »

Exploring the potential of hybrid potato cultivars in East Africa
February 16, 2017Study
Exploring the potential of hybrid potato cultivars in East Africa

The F&BKP supported a fact-finding mission in East Africa to explore the potential of the usage of hybrid true potato seeds (TPS) for this region, and to identify interested partners from both private and public sectors to support research, development and commercialization of this technology. The mission was implemented by Solynta and took place in six countries. »

RUAF analysis report “The role of private sector in city region food systems”
February 3, 2017Study
RUAF analysis report “The role of private sector in city region food systems”

Today, food security and the need for a food policy, increasingly feature on the agenda of cities and city regions. RUAF Foundation, supported by the F&BKP, has published an analysis report in order to better analyse the role of the private sector in building more sustainable city region food systems. »

Tackling food loss - Drivers for change
December 22, 2016Study
Tackling food loss – Drivers for change
Theme: Food Wastage

Many projects and initiatives worldwide are aiming for the reduction of food loss. Companies, governments or NGOs involved may find inspiration in similar existing initiatives and experiences elsewhere in the world. The brochure “Tackling food loss – Drivers for change” presents the results of an inventory study on how agro-food chains can be optimized or better organized to prevent food losses. »

Youth inclusiveness in agricultural transformation
December 6, 2016Study
Youth inclusiveness in agricultural transformation
Theme: Youth in agrofood systems

Africa’s rapid population growth of youth is increasingly becoming a key priority on the development agenda. Looking at the cases of Mali, Kenya and Ghana, a quick scan study of the F&BKP, INCLUDE and AgriProFocus provides some new insights into the challenges of the agricultural sector, food security and youth unemployment. »