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CocoaTarget - Ghana
December 21, 2018Research project
CocoaTarget – Ghana

Read more about this Seed Systems Development Call no. 9: “CocoaTarget: Using citizen science to improve climatic and agro-ecological targeting of varietal recommendations and accelerating planting material access for cocoa farmers in Ghana” »

Seed Systems Development NL-CGIAR Call
December 21, 2018Research project
Seed Systems Development NL-CGIAR Call

Nine projects are funded by NWO-WOTRO to strengthen the Netherlands-CGIAR research partnership on generating insights that contribute to improving seed systems in focus regions within Asia and Sub-Sahara Africa.  The call on “Seed Systems Development (SSD): Enabling and Scaling Genetic Improvement and Propagation Materials” was released by the Netherlands-CGIAR partnership. The nine awarded project consortia »

Aquaponics: combining profitable business models with increasing food security
December 20, 2018Research project
Aquaponics: combining profitable business models with increasing food security

“Sustainable integrated fish-vegetable production in Ethiopia” was the first GCP project to be finalized. The project aimed to improve nutrition security of rural households in Ethiopia by providing affordable and profitable aquaponics systems to generate nutrient-rich food and by developing sustainable business models to generate income. Bouke Kappers of TGS Business & Development Initiatives gives insights in what made the project a success. »

GCP-2 facstheet midterm findings: ILIPA
December 20, 2018Research project
GCP-2 facstheet midterm findings: ILIPA

Please download the factsheet with midterm findings of this GCP-2 Integrated Project. »

The scale of area-based management: what are aquaculture farmers really doing?
December 19, 2018Research project
The scale of area-based management: what are aquaculture farmers really doing?

Area-based approaches to address environmental risk are gaining popularity in aquaculture management. Researchers in the GCP project SUPERSEAS recently published a study in the Geographical Journal that demonstrates the need to rethink the development and application of area‐based approaches, taking into account how farmers themselves understand environmental risk. »

GCP-2 factsheet midterm findings: Women Food Entrepreneurs
December 14, 2018Research project
GCP-2 factsheet midterm findings: Women Food Entrepreneurs

Please download the factsheet with midterm findings of this GCP-2 Integrated Project. »