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November 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
Policies that strengthen the nexus between food, health, ecology, livelihoods and identities

This article explores the connection between food, health, ecology, livelihoods and identities and offers feasible pathways on how to place the virtuous interplay between sustainable and diversified local food systems and healthy diets at the core of the public policy agenda. While technology and resources can definitely help, the fundamental challenge is one of devising policies and regulations. »

November 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
City Region Food System Toolkit: Assessing and planning sustainable city region food systems

This toolkit provides guidance on how to assess and build sustainable city region food systems (CRFS). It is meant to be a resource for policymakers, researchers, and other key stakeholders and participants who want to better understand their own CRFS and plan for improvements. »

November 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Financing and public-private partnerships in water, sanitation & agri-food sectors

This exploration discusses the financing of development projects in food security and water primarily form the perspective of the commercial financier. Compared to other sectors, the food security and water sector are not seen as attractive to commercial investors, with as important reason their embedding in the public domain. »

November 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Nutrition-sensitive value chains: A guide for project design

This publication aims to fill a key knowledge gap in the merging field of value chains for nutrition by providing guidance on how to design nutrition-sensitive value chain (NSVC) projects, with a particular focus on smallholder producers. NSVC project aims to alleviate the constraints identified in the supply and demand of specific foods in order to address the nutrition problem of the target beneficiaries. »

November 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Super platforms: Connecting farmers to markets in Africa

This blog is on super platforms that are pushing the boundaries of financial inclusion around the world, creating million of new jobs and stimulating trade, especially in rural markets. As Africa’s population doubles by 2050 and the demand for food and rural jobs escalates, the transformative power of super platforms becomes a strategic imperative. »

November 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
The participatory market chain approach: Stimulating innovations along the indigenous African leafy vegetables market chain

This study aimed at improving market access for smallholder farmers (particularly women) in the African Leafy Vegetables (ALV) market chain. Results showed that collaboration in the ALV chain resulted into synergies which led to quick wins, stronger relations and improved functionality at the node and chain level. »