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April 2, 2015Knowledge Portal
Climate change induced transformations of agricultural systems: insights from a global model

This study by IIASA researchers provides a global scenario analysis that covers nine different climate scenarios, 18 crops and 4 crop management systems, as well as the interactions between crop production, consumption, prices, and trade. It specifically examines adaptations that are investment-intensive and not easily reversible, such as building new water management infrastructure for irrigation, or increases and decreases to the production capacity of a region. »

April 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Gender in agriculture: closing the knowledge gap

This book (see synopsis) by IFPRI and FAO, is a compilation of the growing knowledge base on the gender gaps in agriculture. It explains why closing gender gaps is important; analyses the role of gender in agriculture; and takes a look at access to assets, agricultural inputs, and markets by gender. »

April 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Coffee Toolkit 2014: sustainable coffee as a family business

This Coffee Toolkit (PDF) was developed for the coffee industry, in response to the demand for knowledge on how to best integrate women and youth in the coffee value chain and provides practical approaches and tools for stakeholders and service providers. The toolkit is a joint effort of the SCP, Agri-ProFocus, Fair & Sustainable Advisory »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Oxfam-Unilever ‘project Sunrise’: enhancing livelihoods while strengthening supply chains

Unilever and Oxfam collaborated in the project ‘Sunrise’, which brought together the development aims of Oxfam with the sustainable sourcing efforts of Unilever. Together they explored how to build sustainable smallholder-based supply chains that could grow its business while reducing poverty for marginalised communities. The project studied pilot projects producing dehydrated vegetables, tea, tomatoes and »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Six innovations revolutionising farming

In this article by The Guardian, six innovations in farmer technology as are highlighted relating to the increased agricultural productivity of the last half century. These include: 1) dairy hubs (see example); 2) fertiliser deep placement (FDP); 3) mobile apps, such as VetAfrica or Farming Instructor; 4) high-roofed greenhouses (see example); 5) new feeding systems »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Kenya-Dutch PPP puts new twist on ancient farm technology

SNV Kenya and the Dutch company Land Life Company joined in a public-private partnership to improve the water efficiency and survival rates of young trees in dry-land Kenya. For avocado trees as well as mango trees, a Land Life Box is provided, a donut-hole centred box that delivers water slowly and over time to the »