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January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
The state of agricultural commodity markets 2015-16

This report from the Food and Agriculture Organization elaborates on the relations between trade and food security. It aims to reduce the current polarization of views on the impacts of agricultural trade on food security and on the manner in which agricultural trade should be governed to ensure that increased trade openness is beneficial to all countries. Rules governing international trade of food and agricultural products should be crafted with an eye to improving countries’ food security and other development objectives. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
Explaining grain and oilseed price volatility: The role of export restrictions

This article examines the impact that export restrictions have on price volatility. Since 2007 food prices have become significantly higher and more volatile. This impacts food security because it affects household incomes and purchasing power. A more and more frequent response to price volatility is the use of export restrictions to stabilize domestic prices. However, when a country is a large exporter, the restrictions can even increase global price volatility. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
Food security under climate change

n this article in Nature Climate Change Hertel argues that using food prices to assess climate change impacts on food security is misleading. Since climate changes has different impacts on income a broader measure of household well-being, like changes in absolute poverty, is needed. Household food consumption depends on the balance between prices and income. Many farmers and farm workers benefit from higher food prices through better sales, more jobs or higher wages, as long as they sell more than they buy. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
Integrated Soil Fertility Management: Contributions of framework and practices to climate-smart agriculture

This practice brief by The Global Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture (GACSA) focuses on Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM). Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) is a set of practices related to cropping, fertilizers, organic resources and other amendments on smallholder farms to increase production and input use efficiency. ISFM delivers productivity gains, increased resilience, and mitigation benefits. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
Urbanisation and evolving food security challenges

The book chapter delves into policy oriented research in the area of food security and sustainable development. It focuses on the relationship between food insecurity and urbanisation in different human development contexts. »

January 18, 2016Knowledge Portal
New tool tracks food and agriculture policies

This article elaborates on the functions of the FAO’s Food and Agriculture Policy Decisions Analysis Tool (Fapda). The web-based tool includes more than 6,000 policy decisions from more than 70 countries. It was developed in 2011 to provide an on-line repository for food and agricultural policy decisions from around the world. »