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CFS 43 Side Event
October 29, 2016Knowledge activity
CFS 43 Side Event “Reduction of food losses and waste in cities”
Theme: Food Wastage

How to tackle food waste and losses in our cities, which will increase drastically the coming decennia? How to connect the producers from the rural areas in a fair and sustainable way with the city consumers? This is an interesting topic with beautiful examples that inspire and need to be shared among each other. On »

Fruitful kick-off Food Connection Challenge
September 28, 2016Knowledge activity
Fruitful kick-off Food Connection Challenge
Theme: Food Wastage

“What a waste!”: is the first thought that comes to mind when you realize that in many food industries up to 40% of food produce gets wasted due to postharvest issues. The Food Connection Challenge (FCC) focuses on fit-to-purpose solutions for postharvest losses in Ghana. »

Report regional workshop on Compost for Sustainable Agriculture
September 28, 2016Knowledge activity
Report regional workshop on Compost for Sustainable Agriculture
Theme: Soil Management

Enhancing the knowledge and raising awareness about uses, challenges and potentials of organic nutrient sources was among the core objectives of a regional workshop by the Fertile Ground Initiative and CIAT held in Nairobi early September 2016. »

FOOD 2030 & ARCH Pre Event on Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems
September 26, 2016Knowledge activity
FOOD 2030 & ARCH Pre Event on Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems

“The role of consumers in sustainable consumption and production in Europe and in developing countries” is the title of a Pre Event of FOOD2030. The Pre Event will highlight the increasingly international dimension of food systems and the need to include the perspectives of consumers in and outside Europe. »

Discussion meeting on food security effects of floriculture in East-Africa
June 16, 2016Knowledge activity
Discussion meeting on food security effects of floriculture in East-Africa
Theme: Land Governance

On June 9, the Dutch Ministry of FA hosted a presentation about the scoping study, “Flowers for Food?” conducted by LANDac)/IDS Utrecht University and the Platform. Around 30 participants attended the presentation, mostly representatives from different government agencies, and a number of experts from academia, NGOs and certification bodies. »

Workshop on Composting for Sustainable Agriculture
June 15, 2016Knowledge activity
Workshop on Composting for Sustainable Agriculture
Theme: Soil Management

The Fertile Grounds Initiative (FGI) in collaboration with the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and the F&BKP is organizing a workshop on “Composting for Sustainable Agriculture: Facts, myths, potentials and business opportunities”, in Nairobi, Kenya on September 12 and 13, 2016. »