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Accelerating the end of hunger and malnutrition
September 5, 2018Event
Accelerating the end of hunger and malnutrition

Improving food security and nutrition is critical to meet the SDGs, but the world is not on track to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. How can we accelerate this process ? This question will be addressed during a global event on November 28–30 in Bangkok, Thailand, organized by IFPRI & FAO. »

Committee on World Food Security plenary session 45
September 5, 2018Event
Committee on World Food Security plenary session 45

The Committee for World Food Security (CFS) is the United Nations’ forum for reviewing and following up on policies concerning world food security. It also examines issues which affect the world food situation. The CFS annual plenary session 45 will take place in Rome from October 10 till 15, 2018.   »

FOOD 2030: Research and Innovation for a #ZeroHunger World
September 5, 2018Event
FOOD 2030: Research and Innovation for a #ZeroHunger World

On World Food Day, FAO and the EC organize and event to discuss how our actions can define a #ZeroHunger future. The event  is organized under the auspices of the European Parliamentary Alliance on the Fight against hunger and wil take place at the European Parliament (room Jan 4Q2) in Brussels. »

African Green Revolution Forum 2018
September 4, 2018Event
African Green Revolution Forum 2018

AGRF 2018 takes place in Kigali, and will take stock, evaluate actions, and learn from compelling evidence across the continent, presented by inspiring leaders turning agriculture into thriving enterprises. This year’s theme is: Lead. Measure. Grow. – Enabling new pathways to turn smallholders into future agribusinesses. »

West and Central Africa Post-Harvest Congress and Exhibition (WCAPHCE)
September 3, 2018Event
West and Central Africa Post-Harvest Congress and Exhibition (WCAPHCE)

The West and Central Africa Post-Harvest Congress and Exhibition (WCAPHCE) is the convocation of stakeholders aimed at addressing the menace of “post-harvest loss” in the agricultural economy of the West and Central Africa Regions. It takes place in Abuja, Nigeria on September 17 – 21, 2018.  »

Congress FOOD 2030
September 3, 2018Event
Congress FOOD 2030

The “Congress FOOD 2030: Towards sustainable agri-food systems” will be held on September 5-6, 2018, as part of the 200th anniversary of the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart. It will bring together experts, researchers and stakeholders from various disciplines with diverse experiences related to food systems.  »