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Seas of Change and F&BKP start collaboration on Inclusive Business
October 14, 2014News
Seas of Change and F&BKP start collaboration on Inclusive Business
Theme: Inclusive Business

Seas of Change (SoC) and the F&BKP have signed a Letter of Engagement, formalizing the intention to collaborate on the theme ‘Inclusive Business’. The signed Letter of Engagement marks the start of a collaboration in which the F&BKP supports SoC to deepen its work to stimulate the scaling of inclusive agri-food markets. SoC’s goals will »

Acknowledgments from Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs for online consultation on food security policy
October 6, 2014News
Acknowledgments from Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs for online consultation on food security policy

The Ministries of Foreign and Economic Affairs have received the final report on the consultation on Dutch food security policy from the Office of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform. They thank all contributors for their input and are now working on the policy letter in which they will do their best to translate the »

Final report on consultation on food security policy
September 30, 2014Study
Final report on consultation on food security policy

The Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) presents its final report (PDF) on the consultation on Dutch food security policy. The report analyzes all contributions to the consultation and presents a number of recommendations. The consultation was originally opened by the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) on July 1, 2014 and closed on September »

Sustainable agriculture: lively multi stakeholder debate facilitated by Agri-ProFocus
September 23, 2014News
Sustainable agriculture: lively multi stakeholder debate facilitated by Agri-ProFocus

On September 12, 2014, Agri-ProFocus organized an expert meeting about the different approaches to promote sustainable agriculture (e.g. agro-ecology, climate-smart agriculture, the landscape approach, etc). This in order to inform the upcoming food and nutrition security policy note of Minister Ploumen and Secretary of State Dijksma, and the own practice of different stakeholders. Agri-ProFocus had »

Launch of
September 17, 2014News
Launch of “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014”

The new report “The State of Food Insecurity in the World” (SOFI 2014), released by the UN on September 16, appoints sustained political commitment at the highest level as a prerequisite for hunger eradication. “The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2014” presents updated estimates of undernourishment and progress towards the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) »

Report of 2014 Dick de Zeeuw lecture by Gerda Verburg
September 9, 2014News
Report of 2014 Dick de Zeeuw lecture by Gerda Verburg

Inclusiveness, knowledge and evidence, and responsibility are the pillars to support us in moving beyond short-term interests and towards sustainable solutions in agriculture and food security. This was the main message of the Dick de Zeeuw lecture ‘Paradigm shift to secure food’. The speech was given on September 4, 2014, by Gerda Verburg (fomer Dutch Minister »