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The food systems approach: sustainable solutions for a sufficient supply of healthy food
July 6, 2018Study
The food systems approach: sustainable solutions for a sufficient supply of healthy food
Theme: Food Systems Approach

A food systems approach (FSA) is a useful interdisciplinary conceptual framework for research and policy aimed at sustainable solutions for the sufficient supply of healthy food. A new report about this approach, entitled “The food systems approach: sustainable solutions for a sufficient supply of healthy food”, was recently published by Wageningen Economic Research (WEcR) and commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. »

Report ARF-3 projects International workshop and public seminar in Addis Ababa
July 5, 2018Knowledge activity
Report ARF-3 projects International workshop and public seminar in Addis Ababa

The Third International Workshop of the Applied Research Fund (ARF) took place from February 13 till 16, 2018 in Addis Ababa. The focus of this workshop was to enhance research impact for Food and Nutrition Security by strengthening the competence of ARF project consortium members in the areas of theory of change development, impact pathways, knowledge co-creation, and research uptake. »

Learning Platforms for land-based investments in Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda
July 5, 2018Study
Learning Platforms for land-based investments in Tanzania, Mozambique and Uganda
Theme: Land Governance

The Netherlands Land Academy, together with the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, CIFOR and Shared Value Foundation jointly set out in 2017 to design and implement three multi-stakeholder Learning Platforms around investment hubs in Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda. The final synthesis report has now been published. »

Strategic partnership between the CGIAR and the Netherlands well on track
July 4, 2018Knowledge activity
Strategic partnership between the CGIAR and the Netherlands well on track

Increasing the contribution of agriculture to nutrition and health, creating and implementing policy frameworks for sustainable agro-value chains and developing tools for climate smart agriculture are key achievements of CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs). This work receives support from the Netherlands, as part of the NL-CGIAR Strategic Partnership. After 2.5 years of the partnership agreement, a planning and evaluation meeting with 35 participants and a Meet & Greet with additional ministry invitees, took place on June 21, 2018 in The Hague. »

The future of farming in Africa
July 4, 2018Expert opinion
The future of farming in Africa

 “Who will produce our food in the future?” Ken Giller, professor Plant Production Systems at Wageningen University, asks out loudly during a presentation at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 5,  2018. It asks for policy that doesn’t exist at the moment”, Giller says, “this is what I frame as the Food Security Conundrum”. »

Mainstreaming and youth specific efforts to enforce the role of young people in African agricultural transformation
July 2, 2018Knowledge activity
Mainstreaming and youth specific efforts to enforce the role of young people in African agricultural transformation
Theme: Youth in agrofood systems

Africa is facing high levels of unemployment among the youth, a growing youth bulge, rapid trends of urbanization, and unsustainable agricultural food systems. Young people in Africa are a world of challenges and opportunities and should be seen as key actors. But how can we enforce their role in the needed agricultural transformation? »