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Discussion paper

April 22, 2015Knowledge Portal
Climate and environmental change: views from life in a time of food price volatility

This discussion paper (PDF) by IDS explores the views of people living on low and precarious incomes on the connections between food price changes and climate and environmental change. It is based on the 2012 findings of the four-year (2012–2015) Oxfam–IDS research project “Life in a Time of Food Price Volatility”. »

April 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Conceptualizing drivers of policy change in agriculture, nutrition, and food security

This paper (PDF) by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) introduces an applied framework, named the kaleidoscope model, to analyze drivers of change in the food security arena, with a specific emphasis on agriculture and nutrition policies. Focusing on five key elements of the policy cycle—agenda setting, design, adoption, implementation, and evaluation and reform—the »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Towards responsible scaling up and out in agricultural development : An exploration of concepts and principles

This discussion paper (PDF) by the Centre for Development Innovation (CDI) was prepared for the CGIAR Research Program on Integrated Systems for the Humid Tropics. The paper highlights that scaling up and out is a multi-faceted subject with various dimensions of challenges. It is meant to inspire discussions on the topic of processes of scaling up »

March 14, 2015Knowledge Portal
Value chains and nutrition: A framework to support the identification, design, and evaluation of interventions

This paper elaborates on how value chains can contribute to improved nutrition outcomes. Value chain approaches can provide useful frameworks to examine the food system and have the potential to achieve improved nutritional outcomes by leveraging market-based systems. However, understanding the links between value chains, the overall business environment in which they operate, and nutrition among targeted populations is complex. »