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January 22, 2017Knowledge Portal
Integrated systems research for sustainable smallholder agriculture in the Central Mekong

This book summarizes the achievements as well as some of the challenges faced while implementing integrated systems research to support the sustainable development of smallholder farming in the uplands of the Mekong region. The third chapter on integrating tree, crop and livestock technologies provides solutions and interventions to sustainably recover land while ensuring short-term economic returns. »

December 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Unleashing the potential of pastoralism to develop West Africa

This book by KIT and SNV aims to identify the trends affecting pastoralism and pastoral productivity, which helps to understand the current changes in the performance of value chains which play a key role in pastoral adaptation. The book puts into perspective the conditions for sustainable growth of production that supports entrepreneurial performance and competitiveness of local actors in dynamic markets. The authors observe a clear move towardslivestock production becoming more market-oriented, which influences the position of all actors in the various value chains. »

December 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
Sustainable food systems: The role of the city

This book by Robert biel brings an interdisciplinary approach to the role of the city in sustainable food systems, creating a dialogue between the physical and social sciences. Faced with a global threat to food security, it is perfectly possible that society will respond, not by a dystopian disintegration, but rather by reasserting co-operative traditions. This book, by a leading expert in urban agriculture, offers a genuine solution to today’s global food crisis »

November 29, 2016Knowledge Portal
Changing agro-food systems: The impact of big agro-investors on food rights

This book presents case studies on changing agro-food systems in Southern Africa within the context of large-scale land-based and agri-business investments. By capturing the testimonies of local people in rural settings, with a particular focus on small-scale farmers, it aims to provide vivid accounts of the micro-level changes underway in agro-food systems in Southern Africa, and to reflect the experiences and perspectives of local people. »

November 14, 2016Knowledge Portal
Prospects for livestock-based livelihoods in Africa’s drylands

This book by the World Bank examines the challenges and opportunities facing the livestock sector and the people who depend on livestock in the dryland regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. It presents a novel way of thinking about pastoral development, grounded in a conceptual framework that focuses on the multiple shocks that drylands livestock keepers face and how those shocks can be addressed. »

November 11, 2016Knowledge Portal
Methods for measuring greenhouse gas balances and evaluating mitigation options in smallholder agriculture

This book (PDF) by CCAFS-CGIAR provides standards and guidelines for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and removals in smallholder agricultural systems and comparing options for climate change mitigation based on emission reductions and livelihood trade-offs. The guidelines described in this book are intended to inform anyone conducting field measurements of agricultural greenhouse gas sources and sinks. »