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October 12, 2015Knowledge Portal
Donors and domestic policy makers: Two worlds in agricultural policy-making?

This article argues that policy beliefs are neglected in the literature on agricultural policy-making. The authors use two case studies to investigate how policy beliefs influence decision-making on whether the agricultural sector is taxed or subsidized. In-depth interviews with policy actors from Ghana and Uganda were used to execute a discourse analysis. »

October 6, 2015Knowledge Portal
Increasing the efficiency of the dairy value chain in Uganda: Determinants of choice of milk marketing channels by dairy farmers

This article in argues that while the Ugandan dairy sector has experienced continuous growth the sectors milk marketing has remained largely informal. It emphasizes that to improve milk production and sale in formal channels, investment in infrastructure and training by the government is needed. »

October 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Examining gender inequalities in land rights indicators in Asia

This article in Agricultural Economics Journal examines gender inequalities and land rights indicators in Asia. It argues that while a broad consensus has emerged among policymakers and researchers that strengthening women’s property rights is crucial for reducing poverty and achieving equitable growth, only little data exists on women’ property rights in Asia. »

October 1, 2015Knowledge Portal
Social seed networks: Identifying central farmers for equitable seed access

This article (PDF) in the Agricultural Systems Journal, demonstrates how informal seed systems’ social relationships are structured in two communities and suggests that community-based agrobiodiversity initiatives could use networks to promote more equitable improved seed distribution. Community-based agrobiodiversity management projects have been at the forefront of integrating informal seed systems into food security initiatives. »

September 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
An exploratory study of dairying intensification, women’s decision making, and time use and implications for child nutrition in Kenya

This article elaborates on the implication of dairy intensification strategies and women’s decision-making on child nutrition. Results from the mixed methods study conducted with households representing low, medium and high levels of dairy intensification in rural Kenya indicated that children in high-intensity households received more milk than children in medium-intensity households. »

September 30, 2015Knowledge Portal
Agricultural commodity price shocks and their effect on growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

This article in the Journal of Agricultural Economics, examines the importance of agricultural price shocks to economic growth in selected Sub-Saharan Africa countries. The novel aspect of this study is that the authors determine whether the response of per capita GDP for the selected Sub-Saharan African countries is different to unexpected increases in agricultural commodity prices as opposed to decreases in prices. »