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February 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Future of food : shaping the food system to deliver jobs

This paper from the World Bank focuses on how the food system can deliver jobs and provides a framework for understanding the factors that determine the number and quality of jobs in the sector. The paper also highlights a set of actions that countries can adopt, adapt, and apply to their own circumstances to strengthen the food system’s contribution to employment. The authors find that more can be done to strengthen the food system’s contribution to jobs by supporting growth in food value chains, ensuring that policies and investments improve the quality and quantity of jobs, and facilitating the inclusion of more women and youth. »

February 1, 2018Knowledge Portal
Mobile technologies and digitized data to promote access to finance for women in agriculture

This report provides the state of play of current and promising efforts that use mobile technologies and digitized data to close the gap in access to finance for women in agriculture. The evidence that women both drive agricultural production and rely on it for their livelihoods means that greater financial and informational service provision to women, especially through digital channels, could increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their labor. »

January 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Integration of small farmers into global value chains: Challenges and opportunities inside the current global demand

This article analyze the main challenges and opportunities derived from the insertion of small farmers in global value chains. Global value chains often represent an option for local firms and suppliers in developing countries to get access to high-value markets and new technologies. »

January 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
A qualitative evaluation of CSA options in mixed crop-livestock systems in developing countries

This book chapter summarizes the climate smartness of different alternatives in the mixed crop-livestock systems in developing countries from both a technical and an institutional perspective. »

January 25, 2018Knowledge Portal
Cash tranfers, food security and resilience in fragile contexts

This paper provides an overview of the evidence on the impact of cash-based interventions (CBIs) in fragile contexts on the immediate, underlying and basic causes of food and nutrition security. The paper stresses the high potential of CBIs for humanitarian and transitional assistance. »

January 23, 2018Knowledge Portal
The urban agenda: Meeting the food and nutrition security needs of the urban poor

This paper explores the malnutrition situation in the urban environment and explores interventions that can be used to address it. Urbanization is expected to put an increased pressure on the global food systems. As the world’s cities expand, they are becoming home to an increasing number of malnourished people, particularly women and infants. »