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March 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Technology and entrepreneurship

This magazine navigates various approaches in which technology and entrepreneurship can improve the nutrition landscape around the world.  »

March 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Gender-equitable pathways to achieving sustainable agricultural intensification

This brief has identified promising strategies for transforming inequitable social structures, norms and practices by increasing women’s access to resources, services and technologies as well as to decision making. »

March 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Farmers gain access to and control over seeds

This journal is a special edition centred around the question: How do small-scale farmers from Africa and Asia come upon good quality seeds, and what problems do they face in the process. Policymakers, development workers, farmers and private companies are consulted to answer this question. »

March 12, 2018Knowledge Portal
Use of CRISPR systems in plant genome editing: Toward new opportunities in agriculture

The present study reviews agricultural applications related to the use of CRISPR systems in plants from 52 peer-reviewed articles published since 2014. The application of CRISPR/Cas systems is mainly achieved directly in crops. The most important group of target applications relates to yield traits. »

March 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
The impact of remittances on household food security: A micro perspective from Tigray, Ethiopia

This working paper examines the impact of remittances on farm household’s food security status in two livelihood zones of Ethiopia. The findings of the study suggest that remittances lower the frequency and severity of coping strategies. »

March 5, 2018Knowledge Portal
Performance of emerging dairy services agri-enterprises: A case study of youth-led service provider enterprises

This study assessed the performance of Service Provider Enterprise (SPE) to establish the extent to which the model offers business options for youth in agriculture. SPE is an innovative youth-led business model in which young men and women form groups to offer commercial support services to farmers. »