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October 9, 2018Knowledge Portal
PUM and the global dairy sector in emerging economies

This paper summarizes PUMs’ approach and shares lessons learned of several dairy programmes with different stakeholders in emerging economies. PUM’s dairy programmes reach out to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) along the value chains in emerging economies, reaching out to dairy farmers on a large scale. »

October 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
The role of innovation brokers in agricultural innovation systems

This article discusses the role of innovation brokers in bridging communication gaps between various actors of agricultural  innovation systems. Innovation brokers help build synergy in agricultural innovation systems, but their “behind-the-scenes” mode of operating conceals their impact. »

September 28, 2018Knowledge Portal
Unlocking the potential of blockchain for agriculture

This ICT Update magazine focuses on the potential of blockchain for agriculture. The blockchain technology has the potential to provide answers to a number of issues in agriculture. It is often a background addition to existing processes in the value chain and lends itself to recording transactions. »

September 26, 2018Knowledge Portal
Markets in crises: The implications for humanitarian action

This report collates findings across three case studies on what actually happens to institutions around markets during and after crises, and explores how humanitarian policies and interventions can be used to maximize the potential of markets to support the household resilience of people living in situations of crises. »

September 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Opportunities for digital financial services in the cocoa value chain in Côte d’Ivoire: Insights from new data

This research focuses specifically on mobile money accounts and discusses how these have already expanded financial inclusion in Côte d’Ivoire, and how mobile money could help deliver products to cocoa farmers that meet their needs. Encouraging good financial practices would be of great benefit to many cocoa farmers. »

September 20, 2018Knowledge Portal
Scaling up agricultural interventions: Case studies of climate-smart agriculture

This paper addresses the advantages and disadvantages of specific approaches that hold out promise for scaling up climate-smart agriculture (CSA). If CSA is meaningfully to address the development challenges posed by climate change effective approaches will be needed to scale up research findings. »