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September 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
The political economy of food

This issue examines a range of perspectives on power in food systems, and the various active players, relationships, activities, and institutions that play a major role in shaping them. In aiming to understand power in the food system, there are many different disciplinary, epistemological, and ideological entry points into the study of power, and seeking a single approach will likely limit the insights that different disciplines and research orientations can bring to the study of food systems. »

September 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Using satellite data in financial inclusion

This guide explains foundational concepts of machine learning and how financial services providers can apply those methods to leverage information contained in satellite images for the purpose of credit scoring for smallholder finance. »

September 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Supporting nutrition-sensitive agriculture through neglected and underutilized species

This book presents a new operational framework that sets out how using a diversified range of crop species and varieties can put nutrition back into our food production system. Neglected and underutilized species (NUS) and the traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples associated with the use of NUS and wild edibles are important for fighting food and nutrition insecurity, especially in the context of climate change. »

September 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Reducing food loss and waste: Setting a global agenda

This report lays out a global action agenda that will help reduce food loss and waste to help meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The report calls on governments, companies, farmers, consumers, and everyone in between to: 1) “Target-Measure-Act”; 2) Pursue a short “to-do” list per player; 3) Collaborate on “scaling interventions” »

August 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Assessing the effectiveness of private finance blending in ensureing that small-scale farmers are not left behind

This paper identifies the policies and systems needed to ensure that private finance blending at the least does no harm and in practice plays a positive role for small-scale producers. The paper argues that private finance blending should be used with caution in rural development until donors can demonstrate the merits of blending using evidence-based results, in particular the added value of blending for development impact. »

August 19, 2019Knowledge Portal
Gaps between fruit and vegetable production, demand and recommended consumption at global and national levels

This article explores the role of insufficient production of fruits and vegetables and the effects of food waste and public policy in achieving recommended fruit and vegetable consumption. Even under the most optimistic socioeconomic scenarios (excluding food waste), many countries fail to achieve sufficient fruit and vegetable availability to meet even the minimum recommended target. »