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May 1, 2016Knowledge Portal
Rural women’s participation in producer organizations: An analysis of the barriers that women face and strategies to foster equitable and effective participation

This paper analyzes the factors that hinder women’s participation in producer organizations and aims to identify and document good practice that can be applied by agricultural research and development institutions. In the last decades, participation in producer organizations has become a key principle of development, enabling people’s empowerment, inclusiveness, and facilitating democracy. However, studies show that women and youth often remain excluded from participation and leadership roles, decision-making processes and services. This review identifies several factors as major barriers for women’s participation. »

April 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Shifting diets for a sustainable food future

This report recommends a dietary shift from animal-based protein to more plant-based protein. People who consume high amounts of meat and dairy could significantly reduce the pressure on the environment from agriculture through shifting to diets with a greater share of plant-based foods. The overall recommendations are that dietary shifts are needed that: 1) reduce overconsumption of calories; 2) reduce overconsumption of protein through reducing consumption of animal-based foods; 3) reduce consumption of beef specifically. »

April 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Reducing rural women’s domestic workload through labour-saving technologies and practices

This toolkit from IFAD provides practical papers on how labour-saving technologies and practices can promote inclusive development through reducing the domestic workload and freeing up time to perform productive tasks, but also to participate in decision-making processes and development opportunities. Labour-saving technologies can also make rural areas more attractive places for younger people. »

April 28, 2016Knowledge Portal
Gender, agriculture and water insecurity

This report links gender to agriculture and water insecurity. It explains how and why improved water management on the farm matters for women and girls, and what can be done to better support opportunities for them, as well as for men and boys, in the face of climate change. Rural female farmers are becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate variability and water insecurity. Thus, policy and programme implementation for water insecurity must consider social norms around gender and other drivers of inequality. »

April 25, 2016Knowledge Portal
Managing food price volatility: Policy options to support healthy diets and nutrition in the context of uncertainty

This policy brief identifies policy interventions that can anticipate and mitigate the negative dietary and nutritional outcomes of price volatility and market uncertainty. Food price volatility is a serious global concern. Since the food crisis of 2008, the world has struggled to address unexpected, rapid rises and falls in global food prices, which have sparked political unrest and increased economic risks across the food system. »

April 20, 2016Knowledge Portal
Agricultural value chain finance – A guide for bankers

This guide (PDF), developed by AgriFin (World Bank Group), in partnership with Bankaool (Mexico), HBL Bank (Pakistan) and HDFC Bank (India), provides a practical, evidence-based guidance to financial institutions engaging in agricultural value chain finance (AVCF). It includes a comprehensive picture of agricultural value chains to enable financial institutions to adapt financial products to the specific demands of value chain actors; and examples of field-tested AVCF products and procedures that have shown value or promise for financial institutions. »