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April 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
What can the Latin American cities of Cali, Quito and Medellín learn from each other’s efforts to build sustainable food systems?

This paper shares various experiences associated with the construction of urban city-region agri-food practices and policies in Latin-America. Two-thirds of the Latin American population lives in cities. This represents a challenge, which is compounded by factors such as migration and climate change. In recent decades, Latin America has witnessed the emergence of initiatives and movements that seek to promote urban and organic agriculture, waste management, short distribution chains and healthier consumption as part of urban development. »

February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Double burden of malnutrition

This magazine focuses on the double burden of malnutrition, and the challenges and opportunities the global community now faces in addressing all forms of malnutrition. Although the double burden remains a largely untapped area for integrated action, there are opportunities to act. »

November 8, 2017Knowledge Portal
Schools as a system to improve nutrition

This discussion paper shows that schools offer a unique opportunity to improve nutrition using a systemic, multi-sectoral approach. Social, health, economic and ethic arguments coalesce in and around schools. »

May 24, 2017Knowledge Portal
Multi-stakeholder framework for intervening in Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) seed systems: User’s guide

This working paper presents a tool, designed to help any interested person to understand root, tuber and banana (RTB) seed systems or for use during planning, monitoring, and implementation of interventions in them. RTB crops are important for food security and commerce, especially in the tropics. »

January 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
The role of private sector in city region food systems

This report elaborates on the role of the private sector in building more sustainable city region food systems. Private sector actors have the potential to contribute to more sustainable city region food systems, but up to date information on their role and initiatives is scarce. Little is known about their drivers for engagement, the extent and type of impact of their interventions, their needs for support and enabling policy environments. This study was done in order to better analyse the role of the private sector in building more sustainable city region food systems »

October 17, 2016Knowledge Portal
Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture: How innovations in market institutions encourage sustainable agriculture in developing countries

The FAO and the INRA undertook a survey of innovative approaches that enable markets to act as incentives in the transition towards sustainable agriculture in developing countries.15 cases from around the world provide insights into how small-scale initiatives that use sustainable production practices are supported by market demand, and create innovations in the institutions that govern sustainable practices and market exchanges. The study concludes with four results on how market based solutions can help with the transition towards sustainable agriculture. »