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November 15, 2018Knowledge Portal
Money matters: The role of yields and profits in agricultural technology adoption

This paper contributes to the understanding of agricultural technology adoption by showing that a focus on yield gains may, in some contexts, be misguided. Results suggest that economic measures of returns may be more relevant than increases in yields in explaining technology adoption decisions. »

November 8, 2018Knowledge Portal
Super platforms: Connecting farmers to markets in Africa

This blog is on super platforms that are pushing the boundaries of financial inclusion around the world, creating million of new jobs and stimulating trade, especially in rural markets. As Africa’s population doubles by 2050 and the demand for food and rural jobs escalates, the transformative power of super platforms becomes a strategic imperative. »

November 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
The participatory market chain approach: Stimulating innovations along the indigenous African leafy vegetables market chain

This study aimed at improving market access for smallholder farmers (particularly women) in the African Leafy Vegetables (ALV) market chain. Results showed that collaboration in the ALV chain resulted into synergies which led to quick wins, stronger relations and improved functionality at the node and chain level. »

November 7, 2018Knowledge Portal
More effective and sustainable responses to Fall armyworm: Outcomes from e-conference

This e-conference on Fall armyworms aimed to give insight on lessons learned so far, effective strategies in reaching farmers, effectiveness of responses so far, long-term consequences of these responess and innovative ideas. Challenge and solutions are presented, in particular on how to move away from broad-spectrum pesticides, towards more effective responses such as integrated pest management, push-pull, and early warning systems. »

October 31, 2018Knowledge Portal
The safe food imperative: Accelerating progress in low- and middle-income countries

This report strengthens the economic case for increased public investment and other policy attention on food safety in developing countries. The most crucial roles for governments is to be facilitative: induce investments and behaviour changes by actors that share the goal and responsibility for safer food. »

October 31, 2018Knowledge Portal
Sustainable agricultural mechanization: A framework for Africa

This report presents priority elements for national strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Africa. Long-term commitment by key stakeholders in policy, strategy formulation, implementation and financing is critical to its success. »