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sustainable food systems

February 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food in the anthropocene: The EAT-Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems

In this article the EAT-Lancet Commission developed global scientific targets based on the best evidence available for healthy diets and sustainable food production. A universal healthy reference diet was developed to provide a basis for estimating the health and environmental effects of adopting an alternative diet. Scientific targets for the safe operating space of food systems were established for six key Earth system processes. An opportunity exists to integrate food systems into international, national, and business policy frameworks aiming for improved human health and environmental sustainability. »

November 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
Policies that strengthen the nexus between food, health, ecology, livelihoods and identities

This article explores the connection between food, health, ecology, livelihoods and identities and offers feasible pathways on how to place the virtuous interplay between sustainable and diversified local food systems and healthy diets at the core of the public policy agenda. While technology and resources can definitely help, the fundamental challenge is one of devising policies and regulations. »

November 13, 2018Knowledge Portal
City Region Food System Toolkit: Assessing and planning sustainable city region food systems

This toolkit provides guidance on how to assess and build sustainable city region food systems (CRFS). It is meant to be a resource for policymakers, researchers, and other key stakeholders and participants who want to better understand their own CRFS and plan for improvements. »

Doing more, doing less, doing different: room for improvement in the Dutch food security policy
June 27, 2018Expert opinion
Doing more, doing less, doing different: room for improvement in the Dutch food security policy

There is great potential for the Dutch food security agenda to be more effective when a food system approach, the ambition of leaving no one behind and local knowledge gain a more central role. This was the main conclusion from the multi-stakeholder dialogue on the recent IOB evaluation of the Dutch food security policy, on May 31, 2018 in Wageningen. »

New study challenges funds and governments to invest in African agrifood SMEs
March 14, 2018Study
New study challenges funds and governments to invest in African agrifood SMEs

The study “Critical Capital for African Agrifood SMEs” evaluates the access of risk capital by agrifood small and medium enterprises. SMEs are key for establishing sustainable food systems, while at the same time face difficulties to access capital. The report was published end of February 2018 by Rabobank Foundation, AgriProFocus and ICCO Cooperation, and supported by the F&BKP. »

September 14, 2017Knowledge Portal
Voluntary standards and institutional innovations – the right path to sustainable and inclusive food systems?

This article reflects upon efforts to link sustainable production with responsible consumption both within global value chains and within domestic markets in developing countries. In order to transform current food systems into sustainable food systems, a number of changes must occur. »