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sustainable food systems

January 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
Fixing food: Towards a more sustainable food system

This report discusses food system sustainability globally, spanning agriculture, nutrition, and food loss and waste. This report, drawing from expert interviews and the findings of the Food Sustainability Index, has outlined a number of priority areas for policy makers, companies, and civilians. Alongside the report the Food Sustainability Index was published. »

December 12, 2016Knowledge Portal
A new global research agenda for food

This opinion article argues that it is time for a new research agenda on food that shifts the focus from feeding people towards nourishing them. They argue that malnutrition is not a problem that can be overcome through growth or development since even as economies expand, the quality of diets does not improve. Therefore the authors set out a new global research agenda for nutrition focused on ten research priorities. »

December 10, 2016Knowledge Portal
Sustainable food systems: The role of the city

This book by Robert biel brings an interdisciplinary approach to the role of the city in sustainable food systems, creating a dialogue between the physical and social sciences. Faced with a global threat to food security, it is perfectly possible that society will respond, not by a dystopian disintegration, but rather by reasserting co-operative traditions. This book, by a leading expert in urban agriculture, offers a genuine solution to today’s global food crisis »

Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality
November 17, 2016News
Strategic Secondment on Food Security, Nutrition and Food Quality

In the context of the MoU “Food for All’ signed in 2015 between the World Bank Group and the Netherlands, a strategic secondment of a Senior Advisor Food Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands takes place to the World Bank Agriculture Global Practice. Mr. Wijnand Van IJssel has been selected for »

September 5, 2016Knowledge Portal
Gender inequality in agrifood systems in Latin America and the Caribbean

In this study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the value chains of cassava (Belize), quinoa (Bolivia), corn (Guatemala) and the regional cultivation of cotton are examined from a gender perspective, to enhance their sustainability. The FAO study notes that participation of women is more pronounced in activities that involve time and physical effort, such as planting, weeding and harvesting. »

July 12, 2016Knowledge Portal
Food security, food systems, and environmental change

In this article in Solutions it is argued that with limited global resources, and in the face of environmental changes, meeting future food security challenges will first require a shift in thinking from just ‘producing food’ (and other sectoral interests) to ‘food systems.’ Future solutions should aim to find synergies between climate mitigation and adaptation and between health and environmental goals, with inevitable trade-offs that will need careful management. »