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sustainable food systems

September 13, 2017Knowledge Portal
Diversification for sustainable food systems

This edition of the Greats Insights magazine has a thematic focus on sustainable food systems. The articles seek to address the ‘People, Profit and Planet’ sustainability challenge in food systems, focusing on how greater sustainability and inclusiveness are achievable. »

Transforming Food Systems for Improved Nutrition
July 13, 2017Knowledge activity
Transforming Food Systems for Improved Nutrition
Theme: Food Systems Approach

African Union members demand the international community to support them in their ambition of a nutrition revolution. During a lunch meeting on June 29, 2017 a food systems approach was considered as key entry point to realize the ambitions of this African nutrition agenda. Please find here the highlights and full report of this meeting. »

Kick-off workshop GCP project HortEco
May 23, 2017Research project
Kick-off workshop GCP project HortEco

The project “Horticultural food systems in Chile and Uruguay (HortEco)” was awarded funds in the third Call of the Global Challenges Porgramme. Consortium partners came together for a kick-off workshop from December 19 till 21, 2016, at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso in Quillota, Chile. »

March 1, 2017Knowledge Portal
The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges

This report lays out and analyses 15 key global trends that are influencing and will influence food and agriculture in the coming decades, and comments on the associated 10 challenges ahead. Several trends that will impact agriculture and food systems are: global population growth is slowing, but Africa and Asia will still see a large population expansion; economic growth is leading to dietary transition, e.g. demand for food is changing towards higher consumption of meat and dairy products and other more resource-intensive food items. »

January 10, 2017Knowledge Portal
Transformation in governance towards resilient food systems

This research paper by CCAFS is the result of a joint effort among a small group of researchers to identify pathways for transformation towards sustainable food systems, which are resilient towards shocks and towards climate change in particular. Using empirical studies, both transformations in governance systems and governance of transformations were investigated. »

January 6, 2017Knowledge Portal
The role of private sector in city region food systems

This report elaborates on the role of the private sector in building more sustainable city region food systems. Private sector actors have the potential to contribute to more sustainable city region food systems, but up to date information on their role and initiatives is scarce. Little is known about their drivers for engagement, the extent and type of impact of their interventions, their needs for support and enabling policy environments. This study was done in order to better analyse the role of the private sector in building more sustainable city region food systems »