F&BKP Office

Profile picture of F&BKP Office

Company / Organization / University

Food & Business Knowledge Platform

Role / Title

The Office

Bio / Specialization

The gateway to knowledge for food and nutrition security. Connecting business, science, civil society and policy.


African networks and institutions working in Integrated Soil Fertility Management

A new report is available, entitled “Strategic partnership for the Fertile Grounds Initiative“. It provides an overview of African networks and institutions working to improve soil fertility and lists relevant national, sub-regional and Pan-African programmes by governmental, private sector, academic and civil society organizations. It provides the Fertile Grounds Initiative with ideas to build strategic »

The Fertile Grounds Initiative

The Fertile Grounds Initiative (FGI) was designed as a coordinated strategy of collaboration between actors in nutrient management at various spatial scales. FGI is based on eight subcomponents, which  bring together the supply and demand of nutrients within a specific geographical area to make optimum use of site-specific interventions and available nutrients, supplemented with external »

Third F&BKP newsletter

In these days before Christmas the Office team has sent out its final newsletter of the year, with updates on the various developments that have taken place in the Food & Business Knowledge Platform over the last couple of months. In the December newsletter, you can read about the successful exploratory meeting with private sector »

Policy letter: Dutch contribution to global food security

On November 18, the Dutch Minister for Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation and the Minister for Agriculture sent their long-awaited letter on global food security to parliament. »