Promoting gender-transformative change with men and boys
This publication (PDF) from Promundo-US and CGIAR is a manual showcasing 13 activity-based group sessions to spark critical reflection on harmful gender norms with men and boys in aquatic agricultural systems. While a lot of workshops on gender focus on empowering women, this manual focuses on involving men and boys and their role in enforcing gender-transformative change. The sessions focus on understanding the ways in which power and gender inequalities perpetuate poverty and harm overall well-being; taking action to create more inclusive environments for women in aquatic agricultural development; promoting shared financial and household decision-making between partners; increasing negotiation and communication skills via cross-gender dialogue; promoting men’s involvement in care work; and understanding how to stop cycles of violence, including economic violence. The manual also contains guidelines and recommendations for facilitation of the sessions. At the end of the manual, there is a tool to guide facilitators in the development of community-based campaigns, should group members wish to take action following the completion of their participation in the group.