PIM Annual Report 2019
The 2019 Annual Report (PDF) of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) showcases key outputs and outcomes achieved during the year. PIM research informed agricultural policies or investment plans of governments, development agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and private companies in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. PIM contributed to the scaling up of digital advisory services in Ethiopia and of payments for agrobiodiversity conservation in Peru; biotechnology advances in Nigeria; renewal of community forest concessions in Guatemala; and improved rangeland governance in Ethiopia and Tanzania. At the global level, PIM research has been used to shape the EU biofuel policy, the World Health Organization’s RESPECT Women framework and strategic decisions of several funding agencies. Numerous partnerships with governments, non-governmental organizations and private companies were ongoing in the areas of seed systems, extension delivery methods, prioritization of investments, value chain strengthening, crop insurance, social protection, natural resource governance, and women’s empowerment. PIM findings were disseminated through various tools and fora. Researchers supported by PIM produced about 450 publication, including 115 peer-reviewed journal articles and six books. PIM’s trainings increased the capacity of 10,400 people in over 40 countries.
The research highlights of the annual report can be found here.
PIMs work and results of 2019 includes research funded through the CGIAR Trust Fund (W2), to which the Netherlands is a funding partner.