December 4th, 2019

Gender toolkit

Published by IDH,

This toolkit (PDF) by IDH showcases ways to integrate gender aspects into supply chain approaches, through nine practical cases. Women are key to drive growth and sustainability. However, the
possibilities for women to engage in supply chains is currently limited. This toolkit aims to raise awareness, encourage, and inspire to integrate gender aspects into supply chain approaches. The first section describes practical case examples for ways in which gender has been addressed in sustainability projects. They focus on changing business practicess, improving sector governance, and increasing field level sustainability. The second section, the gender guide, explores opportunties to integrate gender aspect in different programming steps of projects and inventions. The guide and follows 6 steps in programming, during which opportunities arise to integrate gender aspects that may positively influence and leverage greater impact of a program or interventions. When planning to integrate gender in your intervention, it is recommended to carry out a gender analysis or scoping before following the 6 programming steps. The 6 steps are: 1) Strategy development; 2) Stakeholder engagement; 3) Governance structure; 4) Proposal development; 5) Implementation; 6) Learning & innovation. The publication defines two different gender approaches. Gender sensitive approaches, which ca be easily integrated into existing training structures on other topics since they do not require underlying gendered behavioral patterns to be addressed, however, they can fall short of alleviating systematic inequalities. Gender transformative approaches, which are characterized by explicityly centering gender norms and are thus common for interventions that have the primary goal of addressing gender issues and transforming gender relations to promote equality.

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