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October 28th, 2015

Field assessment of rapid market estimation techniques: a case study of dairy value chains in Tanzania

Published by African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics,

This article (PDF) in the African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics uses rapid market estimation techniques to quantify the informal milk market in two Tanzanian municipalities. Market information and research is essential in dairy value chains to ensure less dairy is wasted and poor people have access to this nutritious food. Many market research techniques do not document the informal components and therefore producers only have access to limited information. In this action research project, the participants tried to quickly gather key information to inform the design of interventions to upgrade small-scale urban dairy production. The research briefly reviewed three rapid appraisal methods and makes a comparison of all results of these methods in the wider context of establishing reliable, rapid and cost-effective research tools for the analytical and diagnostic phases of pro-poor market development projects. The authors concluded that the most accurate rapid estimation of markets for consumable products may be obtained by triangulating producer data with consumer surveys (informal market) and adding reliable (and usually relatively easily obtained) data from processors and retailers to capture trade through formal channels.

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