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Mapping of social entrepreneurs within their ecosystems in the field of food security
November 22, 2016Study
Mapping of social entrepreneurs within their ecosystems in the field of food security
Theme: Social Entrepreneurship

In Autumn 2016 a mapping will be conducted within the F&BKP that plots social entrepreneurs working in the field of food security within their ecosystems. Opportunities and challenges of those social enterprises with a focus on doing business with a social impact related to the context they work in in seven Dutch partner countries will be analysed. »

Measuring the effects of agricultural development interventions on nutrition
September 28, 2016Study
Measuring the effects of agricultural development interventions on nutrition
Theme: Nutrition Security

“Towards an improved framework for measuring the effects of agricultural development interventions on household and individual nutrition” is a one-year research project by Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and collaborating partners. »

Reflection paper on land governance and food security
August 31, 2016Study
Reflection paper on land governance and food security
Theme: Land Governance

This reflection paper brings together the main findings and outcomes of three country-specific learning trajectories on land governance and food security in Uganda, Ghana and Ethiopia, to provide policy recommendations for improved land governance and food security in Africa. »

Scoping report: “Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa
August 23, 2016Study
Scoping report: “Improving the perspective for regional trade and investment in West Africa”
Theme: Regional Trade for Food Security

Realizing that enhanced intraregional trade and investment may contribute to inclusive economic development in West Africa, the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has raised knowledge questions on how to increase its effort to support West African integration and cooperation. »

New F&BKP literature review on social entrepreneurs as change makers for food security
August 18, 2016Study
New F&BKP literature review on social entrepreneurs as change makers for food security
Theme: Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship as a concept of doing business with a social mission has the potential to increase food and nutrition security. However, little is known about social entrepreneurs. Therefore, within the Food & Business Knowledge Platform (F&BKP) a literature review has been conducted. »

Country fact sheets on land governance and food security updated and extended
June 24, 2016Study
Country fact sheets on land governance and food security updated and extended
Theme: Land Governance

Updated country fact sheets on land governance and food security are now available for download on the LANDac website. As part of the joint knowledge agenda on land governance and food security, the fact sheets – originally compiled in 2012 – have been updated and were extended to better include food security. »