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May 15, 2019Study
Report “A chain of possibilities”

Fairfood, in collaboration with WCDI and supported by the F&BKP, has conducted a scoping study on Blockchain Technology (BCT). The two key objectives to this study were to establish a solid understanding of BCT and the core principles behind BCT cases in the agri-food sector; and to identify good practices, challenges, and limitations of BCT use in agri-food chains that are relevant for LMICs. »

Leveraging embassy food security programmes with social enterprise opportunities
May 14, 2019Study
Leveraging embassy food security programmes with social enterprise opportunities
Theme: Social Entrepreneurship

Wageningen University & Research, UNITAR and SESInc. have completed a report on the potential contribution of social entrepreneurship to Dutch embassy (EKN) programmes in the field of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) and on the added value of the SES4Food programme for the embassies’ FNS goals. »

The Status of patenting plants in the Global South
February 20, 2019Study
The Status of patenting plants in the Global South

This Oxfam research report finds that 60% of the 126 LMIC countries for which data was available allow for the patenting of plants or parts thereof, despite the flexibilities of the WTO TRIPS Agreement regarding the non-patentability of plants. Oxfam is concerned that the growing number and scope of patents on plants, plant parts and DNA sequences will threaten Food and Nutrition Security by blocking the free availability of these materials for further breeding and re-planting by all stakeholders. »

What is climate smart in Africa’s horticulture?
February 7, 2019Study
What is climate smart in Africa’s horticulture?
Theme: Valuable Vegetables

Climate change is and will continue to be a major challenge for East and Southern African horticulture. Its effects on horticulture are lower water availability, lower soil health, higher disease pressure and planning disruptions. With support of the Food & Business Knowledge Platform, AgriProFocus and Verbos Business Development carried out a scoping study of business drivers for Climate Smart Horticulture in Kenya, Zambia and Tanzania. »

Practice note: Adaptive programme management in fragile and complex settings
February 5, 2019Study
Practice note: Adaptive programme management in fragile and complex settings
Theme: Food security and stability

Adaptive programme management (APM) is an evidence-based approach to programme design and implementation increasingly used in international development. At the core of APM approaches lies a deliberate strategy for interim adjustments to a programme on the basis of focused learning around its objectives. This note produced by The Broker, supported by the F&BKP, provides insight into the core aspects of APM strategies with concrete examples from practice. »

A practical guide to make Inclusive Agribusiness cases accessible and inspiring
January 16, 2019Study
A practical guide to make Inclusive Agribusiness cases accessible and inspiring
Theme: Inclusive Business

Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, together with Roger Reuver, developed a practical guide to make inclusive agribusiness experiences accessible and inspiring. The guide is entitled “Creating effective Case Studies” and is meant for inclusive business teams interested in producing a case study of their project. »