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January 18, 2018Knowledge Portal
Seeding eastern Africa’s maize revolution in the post-structural adjustment era: a review and comparative analysis of the formal maize seed sector

This review reviews and makes a comparative analysis of the maize (corn) seed sector and its evolution in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Ethiopia. Improved maize seed is instrumental to deliver an Asian-style ‘green revolution’ for Africa. »

January 17, 2018Knowledge Portal
Cities and agricultural transformation in Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia

This article explores the relationship between proximity to a city and the production behavior of rural staple crop producers. More in particular, the study analyzes data from teff producing farmers in major producing areas around Addis Ababa. »

January 16, 2018Knowledge Portal
Pulses for nutrition in India: Changing patterns from farm to fork

This book considers the role that pulses can play in improving food security and nutrition in India as well as the changes necessary in production practices to accomplish these goals. India, a country with high concentrations of poor and malnourished people, long promoted a cereal-centric diet composed of subsidized staple commodities to feed its population. »

January 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Agriculture and climate change

This issue covers the topic climate change. Agriculture has been one of the most complex topics in climate negotiations. Agriculture is a major contributing factor to climate change; at the same time, it is one of the areas most affected by climate change, which is jeopardizing global food security. »

January 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Linking WASH and nutrition

During the World Water Week two reports were launched on how the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and the nutrition sectors can benefit from each other; “2+6=17: Linking WASH and nutrition – a blueprint for living SDG17” and “The recipe for success: how policy-makers can integrate water, sanitation and hygiene into actions to end malnutrition”. »

January 11, 2018Knowledge Portal
Grazing systems expansion and intensification: Drivers, dynamics, and trade-offs

This article discusses the dynamics, drivers and trade-offs of grazing system expansion and intensification. Grazing systems dynamics are driven by a complex combination of socio-economic, political and environmental contexts. »