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December 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
An egg for everyone: Pathways to universal access to one of nature’s most nutritious foods

This article collates country‐level data on egg production, availability, consumption, prices, industry structure, and contextual trends and use these to estimate current patterns and likely future outcomes under four alternative scenarios. The accelerated spread of large-scale intensive production is needed to meet the needs or urban populations. »

December 3, 2018Knowledge Portal
Access to Seeds Index 2019: South and Southeast Asia

The Access to Seeds Index evaluates the performance of the seed industry in taking the lead in reaching smallholder farmers in South and Southeast Asia. The index shows that the seed industry is present in all countries, but reaches only 20% of the smallholder farmers. It is highly research-driven, releasing new varieties for a broad variety of crops. »

November 30, 2018Knowledge Portal
Conflict and hunger: The lived experience of conflict and food insecurity in South Sudan

This report seeks to understand how conflict affects individuals, groups and communities, the different mechanisms by which conflict affects food security and what opportunities remain for mitigating the impact of conflict on hunger. The study documents conflict’s devastating impact on food security in areas both acutely and less directly affected by violence. »

November 29, 2018Knowledge Portal
Women’s empowerment in agriculture and dietary quality across the life course: Evidence from Bangladesh

This article examines the relationship between women’s empowerment in agriculture and indicators of individual dietary quality. The findings suggest that women’s empowerment is associated with better dietary quality of individuals within the household, but the strength of this association varies across the life course. »

November 29, 2018Knowledge Portal
Global Nutrition Report 2018: Shining a light to spur action on nutrition

The yearly Global Nutrition Report casts a light on where there has been progress on nutrition and identifies where major problems still lie, and thus where actions are needed to consolidate progress and fill major gaps. Most countries are off-track and none are making progress on the full suite of nutrition targets for 2025. There is still a financial gap which and it is an outstanding challenge to cost, fund and implement the nutrition targets. »

November 27, 2018Knowledge Portal
Consolidating the current knowledge on urban agriculture in productive urban food systems: Learnings, gaps and outlook

This review looks at a breadth of novel insights that are indicative for sensible future development of urban agriculture, including new possibilities for nutrient circularity, opportunities for increased sustainability and open questions regarding logistics and economics and development pathways. »