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February 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
Digital pathways for youth in agriculture: AFA Case Study

This case study aimed to identify successful pathways for youth livelihoods in agriculture. The study defines 4 youth personas that vary along key demographic, behavioural and attitudinal criteria, which reveals unique pathways to success in agriculture. »

February 26, 2019Knowledge Portal
African indigenous vegetable seed systems in Western Kenya

This study collected seed samples and survey data from 127 farmers in western Kenya on their African indigenous vegetable (AIV) seed production practices, uses of AIV seed, and motivations for growing seed. This study speaks to the importance of using localized information to develop programs for improving informal seed systems and continuing to employ gender-sensitive and transformative activities. »

February 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Mechanized: Transforming Africa’s agriculture value chains

This report summarizes findings of a systematic analysis of what countries at the forefront of progress in mechanization have done right. Targeted efforts and interventions are needed to promote mechanization in each segment of the value chain and at scale. This leverages the potential of agriculture to drive growth and employment, particularly in rural economies. »

February 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Status of patenting plants in the Global South: Position paper and research report

This report, comprising a position paper and research report, aims to contribute to awareness and understanding of the current status of patenting of plants in developing countries and emerging economies, to inform societal discussion and decision-making. The presence of a patented component in a plant may create a barrier for further research and breeding, as well as prevent farmers from saving and re-using seeds that incorporate that component. »

February 20, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to Seeds Index 2019: Global seed companies

This publication of the Access to Seeds Index 2019 presents an overall ranking of 13 leading global seed companies. The results show that the global seed industry is adapting their seeds to combat the impact of climate change. However, a lack of access to quality seeds in many emerging economies persists, as global companies reach just 10% of the world’s smallholder farmers. »

February 15, 2019Knowledge Portal
Transforming pasotralist mobility in West Darfur: Understanding continuity and change

This study examines how livestock keepers in Darfur Region of Sudan cope with and manage extreme climate variability, and potential insecurity and conflict, and how this coping differs according to systems of livestock production and mobility patterns. All livestock keepers identified insecurity as their predominant concern. Restricted patterns of mobility are a preventive response strategy to counter security risks. »