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April 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Access to Seeds Index 2019: Western and Central Africa

This Access to Seeds Index evaluates the performance of the seed industry in taking the lead in reaching smallholder farmers in Western and Central Africa. Only half of the 23 evaluated seed companies in the region have breeding activities. A large part of the youngest varieties in the portfolio of regional companies is older than five years. »

April 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Farmers! Which farmers? – Strategies to differentiate categories of farmers as ‘target’ gruop of food security interventions

This insight paper aims to contribute to a better conceptualization of ‘farmers’ and to an improved understanding of ‘farmers. The objective is to inform Dutch Food & Nutrition Security (FNS) Policy and provide recommendations on how to enhance the policy’s results for and with the target groups. The Dutch FNS policy and its implementation would gain clarity if it made use of clearer language and definitions of the farmer target groups it intends to reach. A flexible, context-specific, and stakeholder-informed approach is key to prevent blueprints or classifications that disempower some farmers. »

April 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Innovative finance opportunities for inclusive agribusiness: Understanding the emerging opportunities

This report describes in depth 8 different financing instruments with specific example cases of its application to inclusive agribusiness. Agribusiness have a huge business opportunity and a chance to contribute to the SDGs. Financing opportunities for inclusive agribusiness are growing. »

April 17, 2019Knowledge Portal
Achieving sustainable nutrition for all

This policy paper summarises a set of key policy programme recommendations based on evidence and learning of the Sustainable Nutrition for All (SN4A) programme. For governments it is recomended to ensure that the multi-sectoral platforms of the programme are replicated and aligned from national to subnational level to ensure community research. Practitioners are recommended to support scalability of community driven social behaviour change communication nutrition strategies in different contexts as part of nutrition porgramming. »

April 16, 2019Knowledge Portal
The nexus: Joining forces – peace-building, humanitarian assistance and development co-operation.

This issue focuses on the Humantitarian-Development-Peace nexus whereby solutions to instability should bridge the gap between humanitarian assistance and development co-operation, while supporting peace-building. One article is on the nexus policy approach that has resurfaced among global policy-makers seeking a convenient combination of humanitarian action, development and peace. The author gives an account of the different nexus approaches and trends over the last few decades and shows where their restrictions are. »

April 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food traceability in the domestic horticulture sector in Kenya: An overview

This study aimed to review the available tracebility systems and identify the best options for the domestic horticulture suppy chain in Kenya with the goal to provide food safety and quality assurance. raceability systems help deliver tailored goods and services to the consumers and are an evidence of value, especially in terms of quality and safety of the product. »