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May 7, 2019Knowledge Portal
Spatial targeting of ICT-based weather and agro-advisory services for climate risk management in agriculture

This paper presents a scientific and integrated approach to identify areas of high agriculture vulnerability to climate change and availability of ICT services for dissemination of climate-smart agriculture information in the vulnerable areas. This simple methodology uses available data, is easy to apply, can be useful to prioritize locations for climate-smart interventions, mode of CSA information dissemination using ICT services, and increase coverage of agro-ICT services. »

May 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
Seed companies and the Tanzanian horticulture sector

This case study looks at the potential value of horticulture for farmers in Tanzania, and the contribution of the seed sector to the growing Tanzanian horticulture sector. Small farmers could all use commercial open pollinated varieties (OPV) and adopt low-cost production technologies. A profitable, responsible sector meeting the national needs is possible and reliable seed companies are critical to the vitality of the sector. »

May 6, 2019Knowledge Portal
Handbook on climate information for farming communities: What farmers need and what is available

This guide book describes the most important weather and agroclimatic products that are available by the National Meteorological Service (NMS) and identifies the most important needs of farmers concerning climate information. Special consideration will be given to the local knowledge used by rural farmers. n additional objective is to improve communication among the NMS staff, in particular, meteorologists and agrometeorologists and to encourage Agro-Pastoral Field School (APFS) trainers and facilitators to be more aware of their respective availability. »

May 2, 2019Knowledge Portal
Food systems for an urbanizing world

This report examines available evidence and innovative initiatives as the basis for proposing a conceptial framework and the broad parameters and priorities for efforts to improve urban food systems. »

May 1, 2019Knowledge Portal
Discursive translations of gender mainstreaming norms: The case of agricultural and climate change policies in Uganda

This paper takes a discourse analytical perspective on gender policy and budgeting and examines what happens to gender issues in agriculture and climate change adapation when they are mainstramed and domesticated in different governance levels. The study finds that while the international norm of gender mainstreaming has been formally adopted in Uganda, its transformational potential was reduced through five distinct processes during norm translation. »

April 22, 2019Knowledge Portal
The agricultural mechanization in Africa: Micro-level analysis of state drivers and effects

This paper examines the state, drivers and, consequently, the impacts of agricutural mechanization in eleven countries in Africa. Significant drivers of agricultural mechanization include the size of the household and gender of the household head. Agricultural mechanization, significantly increases the amount of cropland cultivated (extensification) and is also accompanied by input intensification especially in countries where land expansion is limited. The findings point to the importance of developing favorable arrangements that would avail mechanization to small and medium scale farmers. »