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September 16, 2019Knowledge Portal
Capturing the economic potential of food systems for the poor

This report provides an overview of the evidence of the economic potential of food systems for the poor for the next ten years. Evidence shows that only the upper tier of small-scale farmers can access the more modern and commercialised food channels. For policy it is of importance to get the mix right in relation to the ability of smallholder farmers in the food system to “stepping up” or “hanging in” (farmers not able to scale up and commercialise) farming activities. »

September 12, 2019Knowledge Portal
Economic evaluations of multi-sectoral actions for health and nutrition

This brief focuses on the challenge of measuring and comparing health improvements from programmes and policies affecting agricultural production, farmers’ livelihoods and the food environment of urban and rural households »

September 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
The political economy of food

This issue examines a range of perspectives on power in food systems, and the various active players, relationships, activities, and institutions that play a major role in shaping them. In aiming to understand power in the food system, there are many different disciplinary, epistemological, and ideological entry points into the study of power, and seeking a single approach will likely limit the insights that different disciplines and research orientations can bring to the study of food systems. »

September 10, 2019Knowledge Portal
Africa Agriculture Status Report 2019: Hidden middle

The Africa Agriculture Status Report of 2019 highlights the trends and progress, as well as challenges and constraints of private sector firms in the upstream and midstream/downstream off-farm components of the agri-food system. The private sector has a major role to play in the transformation of African agriculture. In particular, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) will be vital to the continent’s long-awaited green revolution. »

September 4, 2019Knowledge Portal
The Africa Agriculture Trade Monitor 2019

This report presents an examination of the recent trends, current status, and future outlook of African agricultural trade in global and regional markets. The report finds that while growth in Africa’s agricultural imports has continued to outpace export growth, the agricultural trade deficit has been on the decline since 2012. »

September 3, 2019Knowledge Portal
Using satellite data in financial inclusion

This guide explains foundational concepts of machine learning and how financial services providers can apply those methods to leverage information contained in satellite images for the purpose of credit scoring for smallholder finance. »