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March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Urban China: toward efficient, inclusive, and sustainable urbanization

This joint report (PDF) by the World Bank and the Development Research Center of China’s State Council, addresses the challenges and opportunities of urbanization in China and aims to help China forge a new model of urbanization. The report includes six priority areas for a policy reform for urbanization. »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Rising incomes, changing tastes: How Africa, India, and China will reshape the global food and agriculture landscape

Morningstar analysts published a report (PDF) that covers aspects of the emerging markets’ diet as an important growth driver for consumption– from trends in meat and dairy consumption, to those in beer and processed food. The focus of the paper is on China, India, Brazil, Southeast Asia (mainly Indonesia), and sub-Saharan Africa. By use of global and country-level data, links between diets and incomes and the important roles of urbanization, culture, religion, geography and biology are examined. »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Trend: New research shows increasing appetite for sustainable seafood

Research into seafood buying behaviour around the world shows that consumers are increasingly looking for fish products from a sustainable source, and that ecolabels give credibility to these claims. For this research, over 9,000 regular seafood buyers from 15 countries across Europe, Asia, Australia and North America were questioned. »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Right to food and nutrition watch 2014: Ten years of the right to food guidelines: gains, concerns and struggles

The Right to Food and Nutrition Watch (RTFN) is an annual publication by ICCO Cooperation, FIAN International and Brot für die Welt and other partners. This 2014 report (PDF) analyses successes and shortfalls of ten-year anniversary of the FAO Council Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Who wants to farm? Youth aspirations, opportunities and rising food prices

This publication (PDF) by IDS explores conditions favourable for active engagement of educated young people into farming in a context of food price volatility, and in particular rising food prices since 2007. Based on analysis of interviews, focus group discussion and household case studies with almost 1500 people in 23 rural, urban and peri-urban communities in low and middle income Asian, African and Latin American countries in 2012, this research digs deeper into some of the established explanations as to why youth in developing countries appear reluctant to enter farming. »

March 31, 2015Knowledge Portal
Digging deeper: inside Africa’s agricultural, food and nutrition dynamics

This book published in the African Dynamics Series of the African Studies Centre Leiden with contributions of a large group of researchers, attempts to ‘dig deeper’ into what is currently happening in Africa’s agricultural and rural sector and to convince policymakers and others that it is important to look at the current African rural dynamics »